I am Kavesh Harrilall (ID ref : 9009045238**); I’m a Con Artist. I post defamatory posts on social media about other companies. I pretend to be a customer of other companies.
The following are facts:
- I create irreparable damage to businesses by posting harmful posts about their employees and their organisations. I cannot control myself in the social media public environment. I am emotionally disturbed to provocate companies and individuals that are not related to me.
- I am misleading my wife as accomplice
- I post defamatory information about Live Easy which is where I have deep living links
- I have strong association with EOH (EOH MTHOMBO PTY LTD) South Africa who is supporting me in my activity to post defamatory information about other companies.
- I am not a customer of companies that I defame
- My picture is below.
- My previous abodes were amongst others 30 Mooiriver way.
- My social media accomplices are Vastika Harrilall
I am Kavesh Harrilall , married 7 March 2021. Im Vastika Harrilall, I’m a conartist. Be Warned before keeping me in your employ.
I’m Vastika Harrilall. I’m a Con artist. We defame and spread false information about other companies posting harmful posts on social media to destroy jobs of other companies and their employees and their family livelihoods.
I’m a Conartist cyber information is only presented based on harmful content posted by persons and their linked conspirators/proxies.
We have more cyber information based on the active social media activities of Vastika Harrilall and Kavesh Harrilall and continue tracking the above persons and their employment, including residences on a minute by minute basis. We are watching you.
Live Easy