I am Amy Leigh Joubert (ID ref : 9909200057***); I’m a Con Artist. I post defamatory posts on social media about other companies. I pretend to be a customer of other companies.
The reason that I am featured on this site, is because of my malicious behaviour on social media – I am to blame for this as it is my provocatory actions that have led me to this point and I therefore cannot point the finger back to my victims.
The following are facts:
- I create irreparable damage to businesses by posting harmful posts about their employees and their organisations. I am the social media defamatory ambassador of Atlas Office Solutions and cannot control myself in the social media public environment. I am psychologically disturbed and post false and damaging comments on social media about companies and individuals that are not related to me.
- I studied at Rand Park High school and I am ashamed of studying there
- My family members including Francois Joubert are supporting me in my defamatory public actions.
- I am currently a social media publisher associated with Atlas Office Solutions South Africa and whilst in my position during office hours I use the company’s time to harass and belittle other companies and their staff. I waste company’s time and get paid for it.
- I am not a customer of companies that I defame
- I lie to my friends and family that I am the victim but I the Cyber criminal is me; I am the one that initiated defamatory posts on social media
- My picture is below.
I am Amy Joubert, I’m a conartist. Be Warned before keeping me in your employ
I am an expert in social media and use social media for malicious activities as you see below in Kickstart sport. Will you hire me now?
The more actions committed by me will result in more Cyber tracing and information published here. The Cyber forensics unit of Imaconartist tracks all friends and family assisting the Con Artist like me and their cyber crime activity will also be published here.
I thank the Cyber Forensics team for tracking me daily minute by minute to ensure that I resist posting more defamatory information in the social media space. The further I attack others, the more information gets released showing people who I really am. Thank you for watching over me to ensure I cause no additional harm to others.
I am still persisting as Amy Joubert causing more harm to your family by working with accomplices – Thanks to Imaconartist tracking all my accomplices.