Ziyanda Mbobo

I’m Ziyanda Mbobo ID 93090306410XXX. I’m a Con Artist

Note: Forensic information is only published here based on response to social media posts made by Con Artists in the public.

I am Ziyanda Mbobo; I’m a Con Artist deceiving the public by posting fake posts in the social media trying to get entry into properties of Landlords even though I cannot afford the rental. I confirm the following:

  • I am currently 31 year of age
  • I am not a customer of the Businesses i post false information about businesses in the social media space
  • I currently work for Standard Bank as a Product Manager but I am not compliant with their processes and procedures and using company time to post fake information in the public social media space.
  • I live at Cubana Sunninghill, renting from a company called SWAG SNEAKER PROP INV PTY LTD, Director: Nirmal Devchand
  • I don’t have affordability and using the major bank such as the employer that I work for to commit crimes and to squat in other people’s properties.
  • Below you will see clearly that I am deceiving companies in the public space by posting in social media about my ability to be a Tenant although I have negative affordability

  • I am a serial Bank job hopper. See my profile below.